Sunday, August 16, 2009

How Thirsty are You?

A few years ago I began participating in half Marathons. So far I have actually
completed 3...though my plan is to do at least 1-2 yearly. I started out fast-walking, but thanks to my daughter, I try to do more running than walking now. Being a teacher I am able to have the summers off, which allows me to run consistently in the early mornings. I call it my "God Time". I live out in the country, in a small town and it's very peaceful and quiet in my neighborhood ...only the birds and squirrels are up at that time. I use my time to pray for my friends and family and just talk with God.

One morning as I was running I became very mouth was dry...I was actually contemplating cutting my run short because I was so parched. I couldn't wait to get home to get a nice cold bottle of water. I was kicking myself for not haven taken a bottle with me, which I do on occasion. Then I began thinking about the various ways I drink the water when I finally get it. Though, as I said, on occasion I take the bottle with me...and take small sips along the way. At other times, after completing my run I grab a bottle out the the fridge and gulp it down. Then there are times when I have seen people complete a run and they don't just gulp the water they pour it all over themselves (from the head down). I haven't actually done that, but instead I just jump in the shower and immerse myself in the water. I feel so clean and refreshed afterwards.

As I liken the way I drink water to the way I drink and take in God's word...I began to realize that the two are some what similar. There are times in my spiritual walk when things are going along OK and I am only taking sips from God's Word. Frankly, it's when I am not consistent with my devotional time or prayer time. Then there are those times when I am gulping God's Word's. Those are the times when I'll hit a small bump in the road and I feel like I need God to help me get through it. Many times I'll get over that small bump and then just go back to sipping the Word. Lastly, I realized that taking a shower and immersing myself in God's Word daily is what I NEED to be doing. It is what will help me to be able to stand strong when the bumps in the road turn into boulders and mountains. God's Word says I need to put on the full armor of God...I cannot do that if I am not in His word on a daily basis. neither can you. So I'll ask you again...How thirsty are you?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Summertime Fun!!!

Wow! I can't believe, but my summer is coming to an end. Seems like only yesterday I was finishing up the 2008-09 school year and looking forward to a restful and relaxing summer. Of course like every summer I had my "To Do List". You know those are all of those little tasks and projects that you want to get done, but never seem to have the time. As I look back over these past 2 months...I am thinking I didn't accomplish near what I had set out to do at the beginning of my summer break. Though I did get a few things accomplished such as: spending time with my grandson, lazy days swinging on my swing, read 15 books, painted the kitchen, ran everyday, spent a wonderful week in Oak Island, NC, with my husband, had a pool party for my upcoming third grade class, spent several days in Myrtle Beach, SC, with family, had dinner with my high school English teacher, and scrap booked with the girls. Well, I guess I did do something this summer after all. I also became much more technical this summer...creating a Twitter account, Face Book account, and began this Blog. I can even Text Message on my phone, too. So much technology in one summer...I am feeling overwhelmed! I will just cling to God for he gives me the strength and power to accomplish mighty things. I never walk alone. Neither do you!!!