Ten years ago I found a lump in my neck...that led me on a 4 month journey...eventually, doctors realized that it was in my left thyroid. A needle biopsy was performed and results came back that all was OK...my doctor then gave me two choices...1. to have it biopsied every 6 months or 2. just have it removed. After some praying and counseling...I chose the latter, choice #2. Why...for 3reasons...#1 I thought the needle biopsy was the worst thing I had ever gone through (including having a baby). #2 I thought, what if they missed the spot that was cancerous...I would have to wait for another 6 months before they might find it...giving the cancer a chance to spread and #3 If there was something growing in my body that wasn't suppose to be there...I say...just take it out. And so when my doctor called me back I told him that I would feel more comfortable if he just removed the mass and he did! When I returned for my follow-up appointment a week after surgery the first words out of my doctor's mouth were " Well, you made the right decision."...you see after the pathology reports came back they found that, in fact, the mass was cancerous. Because I had caught it early and it was not a large area they did not recommend any other treatment...for that I was grateful...I say all of that to say this...I was at peace during that entire ordeal...I just trusted God and knew that He was in control and believed that everything would be OK.
But, What do you say to someone who says to you, "How many times can one person get cancer and not die." Right now in my life, I have 5 very God-fearing women who are in the battle!
#1. Heidi- was told on Wednesday (3/31) that for the 4th time...she probably has cancer. This is a woman who loves God with all of her heart...not just talks it out...but walks it out...went through an unbelievably difficult surgery and recovery a year ago and is still trying to recover from that episode...only to have had another procedure yesterday to determine if she now has breast cancer. When she asked me that question...I looked at her and with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes, I said. "As many times as God wants you to." God can do anything...we just have to believe and stand on His Word. Our healing comes from Him!!! We can't give in or give up...we have to keep fighting the battle...Heidi is married with two young daughters.
#2. Christie- Six weeks ago had a hysterectomy...only to find out after the surgery that she has cancer...8 months prior to this she was diagnosed with TSS and became critically ill...praise the Lord she survived. She has an incredible faith and trust in God. Heidi has been a great inspiration to her. Christie is married with two children, as well.
#3. Cathi- She was her sister's main Care Giver. Her sister passed away about a 1 1/2ago from cancer. It was very difficult on the Cathi and her family...they were very close...it wasn't long after the death of Cathi's sister that Cathi herself found out, she too, had cancer. The same cancer that eventually took the life of actress...Farrah Fawcette. Cathi is an amazingly strong woman. She loves the Lord with all of her heart and soul and praises Him through the storm. Cathi and I attend the same church and it does my heart good when I see her in the Choir singing. She is married with two daughters and just recently began Chemo again.
#4 Lynn- My best friend in high school emailed me a week ago to tell me that she was diagnosed with brain tumors and had spots in other areas as well. She is taking things one day at a time...currently, she is having radiation treatments 5 days a week. She believes all things happen for a reason and is in good spirits. She is married with two sons.
#5 Janice- Janice was diagnosed many years ago with what they thought was cervical cancer , they did surgery and chemo...recent;y she was back at the doctor with another surgery and chemo. She is in recovery. Janice is my Mentor... She is a Rock!!! I don't know what I would do without her. She and her husband John are very dear friends of ours and I know that anytime I am I need..I can always call her. She is filled with the wisdom of God!!!
I believe God is the ultimate physician and can do anything at anytime in any place. Why these women...Why Not? God has used these women in a mighty way, not only to Glorify Him, but to be an inspiration to others in His Name. Without Tests we have no Testimony...nor can our faith increase.
These women give us HOPE!. Hope to know that if they can do it , so can we!!!
Why Pink Tip Nails...When I found out about Heidi's battle last year the Lord prompted me to have my nails done and to have only the tips pink for her and all the women who are battling cancer...when she was in remission I could go back to any color. When I found out the other day that she was back in the battle I went and
had my nails done and had the pink tips done again. So this for for these 5 beautiful women and all those women battling cancer.
As God prompts you, I would ask that you lift these women up to the Lord and all those battling cancer. God can do anything and I know that He has these women in the palm of His Hands!!!
Thank You!
Praying for these precious women and for their friend (YOU!) who is willing to stand in the gap for them!